Tag Archives: waterproof cast cover

Basic Information About Casts (The Top 7 FAQ’s and 1 Smelly Fact)


Question and Answer - Canva


Before my daughter, Elli, broke her first bone, I really didn’t know anything about casts, let alone how to care for one. But after 12 broken bones, and serving hundreds of thousands of customers, I am a verified expert and I want to pass on what I learned to you. Following are cast newbies most frequent questions and my answers. In short, here’s some basic information about casts:  Continue reading


How to Stay Cool During the Summer on Crutches

The summer heat can make anyone miserable, but if you have to spend it on crutches, you are worse off than ever before. Having your injured foot or ankle in a walking boot or cast will only make that area sweat even more. Not to mention itch! There are ways you can stay cool during the summer months, even if you have a non-weight bearing injury. Here are some ideas to help you out.

Utilize the CastCooler for Comfort and Relief
girlwcast_261One of the best things you can do for yourself, while in a cast, is invest in a CastCooler. The CastCooler is a great device you simply wrap around your cast, attach to a standard vacuum cleaner hose, turn the vacuum on, and voila, the air removes moisture from the lining under your cast. It will leave you with a cool, fresh feeling that will help you from getting itchy in places you can’t access and keep your cast dry. When your injured area feels cool and fresh, the rest of you will feel cool as well.

Get an Alternative to Crutches
Goodbye Crutches Knee ScooterCrutches take a lot of work and when you’re moving around in the summer heat, you’re going to get hot fast. With the Hands Free Crutch, you can walk much like normal and get around very quickly. The Knee Scooter is easy to use and when you scoot yourself fast enough, you can even make your own breeze. The Seated Scooter allows you to sit and move around so you can rest and keep the sweating to a minimum.

Stay Inside
When the weather predictors are telling you about heat warnings and the danger of a high heat index, you should stay inside and keep cool. Your health is a priority during the recovery process and if you have to spoil yourself a little by staying in the cool air conditioning, then do so.

Drink More Water
One of the ways to help yourself feel cooler on the outside is by keeping your insides hydrated. Drink cool water continuously while you are out in the heat. You will feel better and the water will help keep you cool. You can also put the cool bottle on the back of your neck, forehead, or wherever else is feeling hot to give you some temporary relief.

Submerge in Water with DryPro
DryPro customer

If you have a cast on your foot, you can’t just jump into a pool, unless you have the DryPro Waterproof Cast Protector.  But, that doesn’t mean you can’t at least put one foot in the water. Use your kid’s little blow up pool and sink one foot into the cool water while you watch them play. You might even ask the kids to squirt you with their squirt guns this year!


Group Photo with CCZ products and AdGIn order to feel a different kind of cool, take a look at the variety of CastCoverz! you can purchase to hide or jazz up your plain, boring cast, while keeping it clean and snag-free! CastCoverz! provides FUNctional and fashionable orthopedic accessories such as cast covers, walking boot covers, designer color crutches & crutch pads, in addition to comfort and care products. Take the attention off your injury and put it onto your fun and fashionable cast cover instead!

Staying cool during the hot summer months can be a challenge, especially with a non-weight bearing injury. But with a little planning and the above tips, you can ward off a little bit of the misery!

Have Style and Enjoy Comfort with CastCoverz!

We LOVE to hear what our customers are saying about our products AND customer service, and we sure do appreciate the time taken to email, share on Facebook, or blog about CastCoverz! and how our products have comforted orthopedic patients.

Our most recent review was done by one of our customers and fashion blogger, Alison Gary, and was featured on her blog, Wardrobe Oxygen Personal Style by Alison Gary, which provides real-world fashion advice for all women, regardless of age, figure, lifestyle, or budget.

Classic Cheetah Alison GaryIn Alison’s “All the Newness!” post, she shares her personal experience of  breaking her arm and her recovery.  She speaks about CastCoverz! glowingly, “They’re so much fun and especially nice now that my cast is at the dingy grody stage…CastCoverz! also sells items to make your healing process more comfortable, crutch accessories, mitts and boots for snow and cold weather, waterproof covers, and this genius item called a CastCooler…it cools and dries your cast and feels aaaahhhh-mazing!”  Our favorite part is, “Best thing about CastCoverz! is the service – quick shipping and each order comes with a sweet personalized handwritten note.”

To read her review in full and for fabulous fashion advice, check out her blog, Wardrobe Oxygen Personal Style by Alison Gary!  Feel Better, Heal Better with CastCoverz!

Feel Lucky During Your Orthopedic Recovery With These Great Products

Guest Blog Post by Goodbye Crutches

When you trip and fall and injure yourself, you don’t normally feel very lucky. In fact, you probably feel just the opposite. In order to feel a bit more lucky as you go through the recovery process, you may need a few items to help you out. Your orthopedic recovery is all about getting through your day to day life with as much comfort and ease as possible, and when you have these items on your side, you will feel lucky to have discovered them.

Showering Aids
Shower BenchThere’s nothing like a good shower to make you feel better about your situation. But when you are hobbling around on one foot, standing in a slippery shower, and trying to balance, you’re just asking for more bad luck. The good news is there are plenty of shower aids on the market that help you shower safely. The Shower Bench, for example, allows you to sit and enjoy the warm stream of water without having to balance yourself on one leg. And the cast protectors keep your cast covered, so it is protected from the water. A few Grab Bars can help you get in and out of the shower without slipping, too.

Alternatives to Crutches
Knee ScooterIf you really want to feel lucky while you recover from your injury, you should really look into mobility devices that you can use, other than crutches. Goodbye Crutches has three such options and all of them have advantages. The Knee Scooter is a wheeled device that allows you to kneel on a padded area and scoot yourself from place to place. The Seated Scooter works in a similar manner, only you sit and scoot. Both devices even have baskets that attach to the front, so you can carry items along with you wherever you go. And the Hands Free Crutch is a great option that allows you to walk around, much like you did before, while keeping your injury elevated and safely out of the way. You will feel lucky to use any of these three helpful mobility options.

Legz_ClassicCheetah_WO_560__04869.1378873283.165.165When you have a cast on your leg, you might feel like it just screams about the unlucky incident you had when you tripped, fell, or however it was you injured yourself. If you go online and order yourself a few different CastCoverz! products, you can keep your cast covered up with beautiful, vibrant covers that can either blend in with your outfit or stand out, depending on your preference. You’ll feel fashionable again despite your injured state. And when you are recovering, your state of mind is just as important as your physical comfort.

Helpful People
When you are injured, nothing will make you feel more lucky than a helpful hand at just the right time. You will be amazed by the amount of people who go out of their way to help you. Your family members will likely pitch in more around the house. Your friends might offer to run errands or cook meals for you. Your neighbors might mow the lawn or do other chores for you. And even random strangers might offer to carry things for you or help you in and out of your car. Every time someone lends a hand to you while you recover, that lucky feeling will really kick in.

Though you may not feel lucky about how you injured yourself, there are plenty of helpful items and reasons to feel lucky during the recovery process.