Tag Archives: waterproof cast covers

Winter Safety Tips with Crutches (Updated for 2025)

Helpful information for anyone on crutches this winter season!

Nursing an injury during winter poses many risks and challenges. Any other season seems awkward enough getting around on crutches, but add snow and ice into the mix and disaster awaits. Of course, precautions and steps can be made to reduce the dangers and possibility of further injuries (and without becoming a hermit).

Crutches are going to be dangerous no matter what, but here are 5 safety tips to help you handle the winter months on crutches:

  1. Keep Crutches in Good Working Condition

In order to make sure crutches are as stable as possible, you will want them to be in the best possible working order. Even at the slightest show of wear, get new tips. New tips will help prevent sliding on the snow and ice. Since the tips grip the ground, a little wear can cause an accident. You can also purchase ice grip tips to help get even better traction on snow and ice. Also, make sure the crutches are adjusted to fit you perfectly so you can walk upright as comfortably and slowly as possible.

  1. Use Sand or Salt

Keep some sidewalk salt or sand in your car with you at all times. Whenever you have to get out somewhere that looks slippery spread a little sand or salt right outside your car door so you can get your crutches and steady yourself as safe as possible. You will want to keep your driveway and sidewalks salted as well, but when you have no control over the street conditions, keep that salt and sand handy to do the best at keeping yourself safe.

  1. Alternatives to Crutches

No matter how well you do on crutches, they still pose a risk when used in the winter. The Seated Scooter, for example, is a wheeled device that allows you to sit and scoot yourself from place to place while keeping your bad leg elevated and out of the way. You will remain stable at all times in the seated position and you don’t have to worry about slipping at all. The Knee Scooter works much the same way, only you stand and place the knee of your bad leg on the padded area. You have handlebars to keep you stable and a basket to carry your keys and other items. Even The Hands-Free Crutch is a better option than crutches. This device attaches to your bad leg and allows you to walk much like normal while retaining the use of your hands. Having your hands available to balance you is never a bad thing in the winter.

  1. Ask for Help

Independence is important, but when it comes to your safety, sometimes you have to do what you have to do. Ask friends and family members to run some of your errands for you so you don’t have to venture out into the cold, icy weather. When you do go out, try to have someone meet you at your car to help usher you inside safely. Having one injury is bad enough; you don’t want to add another to it.

  1. Think of Comfort

In order to advance your recovery, you need to think of your comfort, as well as your safety. Things like cold toes can not only be uncomfortable and irritating, but also dangerous in colder temperatures.  CastCoverz! Sleeperz! for leg casts (arm casts too!) and  Sleeping Bagz! for boots are made from soft fleece to keep your toes warm and cozy, while protecting your sheets from snags and cooties, too!  Be sure to check out our Bootz! and BootGuardzXtreme! to keep your toes & boots protected from the elements and clean while wearing a walking boot out in snowy and rainy conditions. Think through other comfort levels and research what you can do to fix them during the winter months.

Safety must be a high priority for you while you recover. And while safety should always be at the forefront, winter creates more obstacles to consider (and are often overlooked). Think ahead and use these tips to get yourself to the other side of the season safely, on crutches.

how to swim with a cast

How To Swim With a Cast

During the summer months, being able to cool down in the pool or ocean is at the top of your list, until you broke a bone and got stuck in a cast! Don’t worry, your summer isn’t ruined! CastCoverz! is here to save it so you can swim in a cast. There are so many ways to try to make an “at home” waterproof cast protector, but those are not completely waterproof which can lead to your cast getting wet which may lead to needing expensive recasting and possibly infection.

Always get the “okay” from your doctor before you start any physical activity. After you are cleared we have a few products that can help you swim with a cast: 


The DRYPRO® Cast Protector (available in arm and leg) is completely watertight keeping your casts and bandages dry. The DRYPRO offers the only cast protection in the world with the patented vacuum seal to keep you dry. It is so completely and totally waterproof, between the waterproof material and the vacuum seal, that you can even swim, dive off a diving board, or ride the ocean waves and still have your cast or bandage stay completely dry.

The DRYPRO protector fits snug yet comfortable offering protection during a shower, a bath, and even an active swim. Unlike “modified garbage bag” products, the cast protection offered by the DRYPRO protector is unmatched, it cannot come off. You can’t even pull it off! (Until you release the seal).

The cover is also used for immediate postoperative physical therapy, allowing hydrotherapy right after surgery, which helps prevent swelling and stiffness and aids in a speedy recovery. 

The waterproof material is made of durable high-quality surgical latex. The pump not only creates the vacuum seal but also works as a gauge showing that the vacuum is intact and cannot leak. So go ahead and ENJOY THE WATER! But be sure to take the time to get the proper measurements so you get the right size! The wrong size may be too small or it may be too large allowing water to leak in. As we always say, “measure twice and order once!” 

Latex Free Option: AquaShield® USA

AquaShield® waterproof cast cover protection keeps bandages, casts, splints, PICC lines, and prostheses dry from showering/bathing, even swimming. This latex-free option is very easy to put on and take off. No pump, latex-free, reusable, easy to store and pack for the beach or the pool!







We know how unfortunate being injured over summer can be, but we hope we could salvage spending your summer in a cast with these products and get you back in the water!


Waterproof your summer, even in a cast: Meet DRYPRO®!

Imagine you’ve been preparing for the best ever summer vacation full of sun and surf or waterparkDryPro standards and watermelons. But, just days before, you or someone you love breaks a bone.  So you call out to friends and family with an SOS: Save Our Summer! Don’t worry, waterproof cast covers to the rescue! Tens of thousands of summer vacations are saved with DRYPRO®, the industry-standard in waterproof protection. Yes, you can swim with your cast on! DRYPRO can be used in the pool, at the beach, and even down a waterslide or jet skiing! Check out our DRYPRO for Arms and our DRYPRO for Legs, for children AND adults.

The CastCoverz!™ advantage:

  • Only BRAND NEW, NEVER USED products are shipped
  • FREE Stockinette with every DRYPRO purchase
  • Every size in stock
  • Same Day Shipping (orders received before 3:30 p.m. PST M-F; before 12:00 Sat.)
  • Overnight delivery options available
  • Sizing and product questions answered by friendly people (right here in our office, in California!)

As with any purchase, there are situations where a waterproof cast cover won’t work. When in doubt, please call our office, at 1(800)CASTCOVER (1-800-227-8268).

As your one-stop orthopedic shop, we also carry the CastCooler, which stops the itch and smell of hot, sticky casts; and arm cast covers and leg cast covers in hundreds of fabric choices, which stop the snagging and scratching and keeps your cast clean! CastCoverz!, America’s #1 Trusted Brand.  

summer questions and answers with castcoverz

Summer Q&A With CastCoverz!

CastCoverz! understands how awful it is to have an injury during the sunny summer months, and we know you have questions about how to stay comfortable and keep doing the activities you love.

Here are answers to some commonly asked questions from how to keep the sand out of your cast, to our waterproof options:

Do your cast covers keep beach sand out?

Our fabric covers, also known as our daily wear products, are stretchy Lycra®/spandex, which is a woven product. Our covers will keep most of the sand out. But, some grains of sand will sneak past the fabric fibers.

Do you sell waterproof covers for an orthopedic fracture boot (aka fracture boot or cam boot)?

No, we don’t.  Why? For 2 very important reasons.

#1 They aren’t manufactured.

#2 It would be a HUGE RISK and UNSAFE product. CastCoverz! manufactures and distributes only “Feel Better, Heal Better”  products. A cover for an orthopedic boot is unsafe because if any water seeped in the wearer would sink like a rock.

Are your covers waterproof, too?   

Our daily wear covers are not waterproof. They are made out of stretchy fabric that covers your cast, brace, or boot. The stretchy fabric, a blend of polyester or cotton and Lycra®/spandex, is a woven product; think bathing suit. So, water flows through the fabric but covers the orthopedic device with a fun fashion statement or a discreet choice. In addition, they don’t seal above your cast or brace which is necessary to waterproof a cast or brace.

IF you’re looking for waterproof options, try DRYPRO® or our latex-free option AquaShieldUSA (both available in arms and legs).

Can I swim in a cast?                                                              

For most orthopedic patients wearing a standard cast and are 7-10 days beyond the injury, the answer is an enthusiastic, “YES!” But, you’ll need to seal that cast in a waterproof product. CastCoverz! is proud to distribute DRYPRO®, the industry standard for a rugged, reliable waterproof product. We also carry a latex-free option, AquaShieldUSA.

We hope these tips help you with your injury during the summer months, and help you keep cool in the sun! We’re here to help you feel better, and heal better.