If you’ve had surgery or injured yourself and you’re in the non-weight-bearing status and on crutches, you are likely struggling with a lot of things on a daily basis. Of course, you are wondering how you are supposed to get up and downstairs, but even worse, you must be struggling with basic things like showering and getting dressed! With these helpful hints, you should have a better idea of how to dress for the success of your recovery. Here are some suggestions on what you should wear while on crutches.
-Suggestion 1: The Right Fit
When you are on crutches, you do not want to wear clothing that is too tight or constrictive, which would make it harder to move and make you even more hot and sweaty than you already are. You also do not want to wear loose and baggy clothing that could cause you to trip. Find things in your wardrobe that fit properly, not too tight, not too baggy!
-Suggestion 2: Comfort is Key
When you are dealing with crutches and the hazards of being in a non-weight-bearing status, you need to think about comfort above anything else, other than safety, of course! If you have clothing that is not of the utmost comfort, forget those items for now, and focus on being comfortable while you recover. Some pants have a zipper opening which is very helpful when putting/pulling pants on and off for a bulky cast or boot.
-Suggestion 3: A Stable Shoe
It might be strange to pick out just one shoe to wear, but when you have a foot or leg injury, it’s all you need. Choose your shoe with care because with only one foot to get where you need to go, you need to make sure your shoe is comfortable and easy to get off and on, without sliding off unexpectedly. The shoe needs to be supportive, too, so you don’t cause your good foot any more grief than the extra use it’s already getting.
-Suggestion 4: Cut Offs or Elastic
It might be rather painful to pull anything over your injured area for a while, so you might want to consider cutting off some of your old pants and making them into shorts, so they do not aggravate the injury. If that’s not your first choice, buy some pants with elastic (such as sweatpants,) so they can easily stretch over your injured leg.

CastCoverz! CrutchWear
-Suggestion 5: CastCoverz!
You might feel like you lack style and creativity during the recovery process since you are dressing for comfort and not aesthetics. CastCoverz! to the rescue! CastCoverz! offers fun and functional products that comfort orthopedic patients. We have fashionable and solid-color braces and cast covers that slip right over your orthopedic device to keep it clean and scratch-free. CrutchWear relieves under-arm and palm-of-your hand pain from crutches with oh-so-comfy and cool designer crutch pads. Add some personality and color to an otherwise not-so-fun time in your life. You can buy one that matches everything or mix it up with many fabrics to choose from, for kids and adults alike!
-Suggestion 6: Options OTHER than Crutches
You might feel as though your crutches are the one accessory you can’t get rid of, but that doesn’t have to be the case. There are three great alternatives to help those who struggle with crutches. A Steerable Knee Scooter, the Seated Scooter, and the iWALK3.0 Hands Free Crutch all can help you get around easier, faster, and with more freedom than you can imagine.
With these suggestions, you should be able to choose the perfect clothing items to help you get through the recovery process, with as much comfort and ease as possible. Keep in mind that all of your clothes will be waiting for you when you’re off those crutches. In fact, you’ll feel like you have a whole new wardrobe!