Tag Archives: mobility device

Breaking Barriers: Ultimate Workout & Recovery Offers Adaptive Exercise

A broken bone, a fun and functional cast cover, and… you’re still able to workout?! As with any injury, CastCoverz! customers know that rest and recovery are KEY ingredients for proper healing.  But, this puts active lifestyles on the back burner. Wobbling around the gym on crutches, a boot, or trying to lift a weight with one arm in a sling isn’t what the doctor ordered or the team at CastCoverz!  So, what do you do while your limbs are limping?  And how do you maintain muscle strength for the rest of your body while you’re recovering?  There is a NEW and intriguing innovation for those who are limited by injuries facing serious rehabilitation or have adaptive exercise needs.  Introducing, the Ultimate Workout and Recovery adaptive exercise system designed for the injured in mind:

Ultimate Workout & Recovery is a cutting edge technology that provides adaptive exercise and strength training for those who face these injury-related limitations or have adaptive exercise needs. The company offers several different devices that can be assembled around a bed, recliner or wheelchair, living up to its name as “The Complete Exercise and Convenience Gym.” The apparatus is a unique tool to aid both in rehabilitation and muscle atrophy prevention.  As you can imagine, a body at rest slowly loses strength, endurance, and flexibility. The series of resistance bands that accompany the system help to strengthen and maintain overall muscle function. To learn more visit https://www.workoutandrecovery.com/


Being Safe During Halloween - Halloween Safety Tips

Being Safe During Halloween – Halloween Safety Tips

Like you, I always wanted my children to enjoy Halloween, but I worried about their safety.  Even more so if your child has sustained an injury.  FUN (?) FACT: CastCoverz! was created because of a broken bone my then 10 year old daughter sustained right before Halloween.  It’s always important to do all we can to keep our children safe during Halloween, especially since most activities will be in the late evening. Some of your kids will be out after dark for the first time. So please heed these Halloween safety tips, whether or not your child has a broken bone or other injury: Continue reading

10 christmas list ideas when the holiday includes crutches

10 Christmas List Ideas When the Holiday Includes Crutches

Christmas might be a little more complicated this year. And not just because you have to travel, buy gifts, decorate, and do everything you normally do. This year, you’re on crutches, so everything takes longer and will be harder. When it comes to surviving the holidays on one foot, there are ten things you are going to want to add to your own Christmas gift list!


1) Shower Bench:  You may have to give up a lot of things because of your crutches, but showering is not one of them! The Shower Bench will help you shower safely and enjoy the warm stream of water instead of having to hurry while balancing on one foot.

2) Comfy Cozy Cast Toe Warmer:  Nobody likes cold toes. The Cozy Toe Warmer fits over your foot like a slipper and wraps around the back of your boot or cast with an easily adjustable Velcro. It will keep your toes warm, even outside in the snow, and will even keep them dry!

3) CastCoverz!:  Just because you have a cast on your foot doesn’t mean you can’t look good while keeping your cast clean and snag-free. Look through the 18-branded CastCoverz! orthopedic accessories and pick out a few special ones you can enjoy during your recovery.

4) Ice Packs:  Drippy Ziploc bags full of ice just won’t cut it. Ask for a few reusable ice packs you can use, and reuse, to keep the swelling down on your injured area.

5) Pillows:  Certain pillows work better for elevating your foot. Ask for a small pillow that is more on the firm side and you will find yourself wanting to take it with you everywhere!

6) Rest:  This might not be something to put on a gift list, but you do need to put it on your to-do list. No matter how much you need to get done or how much fun you are having at family gatherings and holiday parties, you have to force yourself to get the rest your body needs in order to heal quickly and efficiently.

7) Help:  You might want to tell some friends and family members to forego gifts for you this year and offer their help instead. If you need help with errands, ask one of them to do some for you. If you need a ride, someone else can handle that. You might even ask for help preparing holiday meals or even everyday family meals. Don’t be afraid to ask for help. You may even get more than you need!

8) Family:  Another thing you can never replace is the family members around you. You can get through any hardship with them by your side. Ask for extra family time and be sure to express your thanks.

9) Alternative to Crutches:  If your crutches are really bothering you, you should look into alternative mobility devices and put one at the top of your list. KneeRover® has great options to examine. The Seated Scooter is a wonderful device that allows you to sit and scoot yourself from place to place. It is a great way to tack on a little extra rest, no matter where you go. The Knee Scooter can help you move fast and get through your errands and tasks. As long as you can kneel comfortably, this is a great option for you. Also, the iWALK3.0 Hands Free Crutch gives you the use of your hands, once again. You can strap this device on and walk much as you did before your injury. Choose the option that will suit your lifestyle best and highlight that choice at the very top of your wish list.

10) Waterproof Cast Protector:  Ask for DryPro! The DryPro™ Cast Protector is completely watertight, keeping your casts and bandages dry. DryPro offers the only cast protection in the world with the patented vacuum seal to keep you dry. Whether you’re swimming or bathing, DryPro has got you covered!

Don’t forget to have fun with the season, despite your injury. You can sit back, relax, and enjoy the holidays and those around you. They might even make your injury fade into the background. Merry Christmas!

Introducing a New Form of Mobility During Recovery!

Guest post by Goodbye Crutches

There are many tools on the market to help you through the recovery process, in addition to a number of comfort and care products. The Comfy Cozy Toe Cover and Shower Stool,  from Goodbye Crutches, help with your comfort and care, while cast, brace, walking boot, and crutch covers, along with waterproof cast protectors and the CastCooler, from CastCoverz!, offer style and comfort. But, no one item is more important than your mobility aid! Many people use crutches and do okay on them, but there are devices out there that can help you get around easier, faster, and even help you speed up the recovery process.

The iWALKFree Hands Free Crutch was exactly that type of mobility device. Many people used and loved the Hands Free Crutch. But, now there’s an even better device…the iWALK2.0! This device is similar to the Hands Free Crutch with a few key improvements. Take a look…

iWALK 2.0The iWALK2.0 is…

-Easier to take off and put on
There are three adjustable straps that cinch around your leg in three spots to help you stand and walk with ease. All you have to do is put your knee on the padded platform and cinch the straps in the right places and you are good to go. With a few tugs on each strap, you can undo the device and sit down with ease.

-Less expensive
The Hands Free Crutch was quite affordable at $399 and available for rent. But the iWALK2.0 is even better at just $149. The new version of the Hands Free Crutch is no longer available to rent because it is priced so low that renting would not be to the advantage of any customer.

The 2.0 version of the Hands Free Crutch is even lighter than before. You can move quickly, easily, and even faster than ever. The light weight also helps you lift and store the 2.0 crutch, when you aren’t using it. You won’t have to worry about lugging a heavy mobility device with you wherever you go.

The past version of the Hands Free Crutch was adjustable, but it was complicated. The iWALK2.0 is easy to adjust for height. It requires no tools and no cutting. You can even adjust it day-to-day, based on the shoe you wear on the other foot!

-Easy to learn
The iWALK2.0 is simple to learn, though it may take a few hours or more to figure out how to operate it properly. Once you learn how it works and how to operate it, you will be off and running.

When it comes to mobility, you’re the only one who knows what works best for you. Take a look at the iWALK2.0 and think about whether or not it will fit into your lifestyle and recovery needs. If you want to have your hands free for other uses while you get around as fast as you used to, it might be a good option for you! Goodbye Crutches has the iWALK2.0 available for you to inspect, as well as several other mobility devices, like the Seated Scooter and Knee Scooter.