Tag Archives: Annette Giacomazzi

Basic Information About Casts (The Top 7 FAQ’s and 1 Smelly Fact)


Question and Answer - Canva


Before my daughter, Elli, broke her first bone, I really didn’t know anything about casts, let alone how to care for one. But after 12 broken bones, and serving hundreds of thousands of customers, I am a verified expert and I want to pass on what I learned to you. Following are cast newbies most frequent questions and my answers. In short, here’s some basic information about casts:  Continue reading

School Bus Safety Tips

School has been back in session for a while and your family is settling into their daily routines. Sometimes complacency comes with having a routine because we start doing things as if on automatic pilot. One area where we can’t get complacent is in the safety of our children. That extends to the school bus as well. In honor of this week’s National School Bus Safety Week (running October 19th – 23rd), here are a few of my personal school bus safety tips to practice throughout the year. Continue reading

CastCoverz! and Owner, Annette Giacomazzi, Survive Breast Cancer

October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month!

CastCoverz! owner and founder, Annette Giacomazzi, shares this piece of advice to those battling breast cancer, “Intentionally eliminate everything that is non-essential and increase what is meaningful.”  Annette was diagnosed with breast cancer the very same year she launched CCZ!  She is a survivor and thriver!

Even though CastCoverz! products are intended for orthopedic patients, breast cancer patients can benefit from our Slingz! and Tubez! products, too!  To help those recovering from breast cancer surgery, Slingz! will hold your arm securely and comfortably in place and come with a thumb loop, preventing wrist drop, along with an oh-so-cozy black “faux fur” tube on the strap for ultimate neck comfort.  If you have a PICC line you’d like to hide, try a Tubez! cover.  Both Slingz! and Tubez! come in a wide variety of designer fabrics, from fun prints and solids, to elegant and even breast cancer awareness fabrics!


For our third year, and in honor of our owner and founder, 10% of CastCoverz!‘s October net proceeds will be donated to the Susan G. Komen fund.


Back-to-School Tips for a Smooth Start

It’s Back-to-School time again! Your children are most likely feeling excited to see their friends again, sad that summer is over, and quite possibly having some first-day jitters. Moms and dads have the same range of emotions, from being relieved to getting back into the school routine, yet disappointed that family vacation time is coming to an end.

Back-to-School time is a busy time of year from school supply and back-to-school clothes shopping, to early bed times and LOTS of  paperwork to fill out, assuring the school has all of your current information (phone numbers and medical needs being most important!)

Here are some great tips from FamilyEducation.com to help get your new school year off to a GREAT start:

Did you know most accidents, nearly 70%, occur on public playgrounds, including school playgrounds?  More than one-third of all playground injuries are severe, with children experiencing broken bones, internal injuries, concussions, and dislocations.  For more information on playground safety, be sure to read CastCoverz!’s very own Annette Giacomazzi’s guest blog post Playground Safety, featured by Tailor Made Momma.

CastCoverz! provides FUN, functional, and fashionable products that comfort orthopedic patients; from cast, brace, and orthotic boot covers to colored crutches, crutch covers, waterproof protectors (DryPro) and CastCooler for sheer relief. One of our biggest jobs, as a parent, is to keep our children safe!  Should an accident occur, CastCoverz! is here to help your child feel better, so they heal better!