Tag Archives: goodbye crutches

5 Extra Items to Pack for Vacation When Non-Weight Bearing

Guest Post by Goodbye Crutches

When you are packing for your family vacation, you have a lot on your mind.  You have to think of anything and everything you and everyone else going will need for your time away.  Add to that your current non-weight bearing state and you have even more to think about.  This list will help you think of the additional items you need to pack to keep your recovery on track.

Goodbye Crutches Knee Scooter1. Mobility Device

It seems silly to remind you to pack your crutches or the mobility device you have chosen from Goodbye Crutches, but you have to make sure you have room for this important item.  The Knee Scooter and the Seated Scooter fold up to fit in your car nicely, and the Hands Free Crutch doesn’t take up much space.  But, if you’re still on crutches, you definitely need to plan ahead to make sure you have space.

2. Prescriptions

When you are recovering from an injury or recent surgery, you are probably on anti-inflammatory, pain medication, or any number of other prescriptions.  Not only will you want to pack these medications, but also make sure you have enough to last for the duration of your trip.  Do a little counting in advance and if you need to get a refill, allow yourself enough time to pick it up and prepare it before you go.

3. Recovery Aids

If you shower using a Shower Bench, or cannot bear the heat without the regular use of the CastCooler, be sure to bring these items with you.  The point of a vacation is to relax and get away from it all, and you will want to be as comfortable as possible during your time away.  Whatever items make your life easier, and your recovery possible, should go along with you.

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You pack your clothes without a second thought, but this year you also need to think about throwing your CastCoverz! cast, walking boot, or crutch covers into the suitcase.  Think about which covers will go with the outfits you are taking and pack them along with the rest of your clothes.  They will help your cast blend in or stand out, whichever you prefer, along with keeping it clean and snag-free.

5. Entertainment

No matter what type of vacation you are taking, there is bound to be a time when your family wants to do something you either can’t do or don’t have the energy for.  When you are stuck on the beach while everyone is playing in the ocean or sitting on the bench while the others ride roller coasters, have a few entertainment items ready to go.  Grab an extra paperback or two or start cutting down on your magazine pile.  You can rest, relax, enjoy your vacation, and wait for your family all at the same time.

Preparing for a vacation when you are in a non-weight bearing state can be difficult, but if you use the Knee Scooter or another mobility device from Goodbye Crutches and think ahead, your vacation will be fun and enjoyable, just as it should be.


Put a Spring In Your Step Despite Your Orthopedic Injury

Guest Post by GoodBye Crutches

Spring is on the verge of bursting through the seams of Winter and you can’t enjoy it because you can only bear weight on one foot! Don’t worry, even though the recovery process will still be hard, there are things you can do to put a spring in your step and enjoy the nicer weather, beautiful flowers, and all of the other perks that come along with the new season. Here are just a few things you can do:

-Cover your Cast!

Legz_ClassicCheetah_WO_560__04869.1378873283.165.165The cast on your foot probably already looks old and gloomy, even if you just got it put on last week. In order to brighten up your attitude and your appearance, browse through the variety of CastCoverz! fun and functional orthopedic accessories available and see what fits your style and your wardrobe. You can get something that would go with everything or a few stand-out selections. Welcome this new season with an update to your cast’s appearance.

-Make Your Mobility Easier

If you have been suffering on crutches all Winter long, there’s only one way to go thisGoodbye Crutches Knee Scooter Spring. Choose an alternative to crutches and you will soon find that you can go where you want and do what you want to do. Goodbye Crutches has three options, all of which are easier than crutches. The Hands Free Crutch is a great option for those who want to walk much like normal and retain the use of both hands. The Knee Scooter can help you scoot from place to place even faster than before. And the Seated Scooter allows you to sit and scoot, so you can save your energy for the things you really want to do.

-Get Fresh Air

You’ve likely been cooped up inside all Winter long, nursing your injury, and now that the weather is nicer, it’s time to get out and breathe in the fresh air that Spring brings. It’ll make every part of your day better. Plus, if you have a mobility device from Goodbye Crutches, getting outside is easier and sometimes even downright fun!

-Make Plans

With any luck, your doctor has given you a range of dates for your recovery. You won’t know exactly when you’ll be able to walk on both legs again, but you have an idea. Spend the Spring making plans. Whether you want to plant a garden, go on vacation, or simply take the kids to the zoo over the summer, making plans will help you look toward the future and forget about the pain of the recovery process.

-Eat Right

The best way to give yourself energy during the recovery process, and aid the process along as fast as possible, is to fuel your body with the proper nutrition. You may not always feel like eating healthy meals, but once your body gets used to it, you will notice a definite spring in your step and you will enjoy the extra energy you have to use in the warmer weather.

Sure, you’re still stuck on one leg, but don’t let that ruin this beautiful Spring season. Use these tips to help put a spring in your step…even if you can only step with one leg!


Feel Lucky During Your Orthopedic Recovery With These Great Products

Guest Blog Post by Goodbye Crutches

When you trip and fall and injure yourself, you don’t normally feel very lucky. In fact, you probably feel just the opposite. In order to feel a bit more lucky as you go through the recovery process, you may need a few items to help you out. Your orthopedic recovery is all about getting through your day to day life with as much comfort and ease as possible, and when you have these items on your side, you will feel lucky to have discovered them.

Showering Aids
Shower BenchThere’s nothing like a good shower to make you feel better about your situation. But when you are hobbling around on one foot, standing in a slippery shower, and trying to balance, you’re just asking for more bad luck. The good news is there are plenty of shower aids on the market that help you shower safely. The Shower Bench, for example, allows you to sit and enjoy the warm stream of water without having to balance yourself on one leg. And the cast protectors keep your cast covered, so it is protected from the water. A few Grab Bars can help you get in and out of the shower without slipping, too.

Alternatives to Crutches
Knee ScooterIf you really want to feel lucky while you recover from your injury, you should really look into mobility devices that you can use, other than crutches. Goodbye Crutches has three such options and all of them have advantages. The Knee Scooter is a wheeled device that allows you to kneel on a padded area and scoot yourself from place to place. The Seated Scooter works in a similar manner, only you sit and scoot. Both devices even have baskets that attach to the front, so you can carry items along with you wherever you go. And the Hands Free Crutch is a great option that allows you to walk around, much like you did before, while keeping your injury elevated and safely out of the way. You will feel lucky to use any of these three helpful mobility options.

Legz_ClassicCheetah_WO_560__04869.1378873283.165.165When you have a cast on your leg, you might feel like it just screams about the unlucky incident you had when you tripped, fell, or however it was you injured yourself. If you go online and order yourself a few different CastCoverz! products, you can keep your cast covered up with beautiful, vibrant covers that can either blend in with your outfit or stand out, depending on your preference. You’ll feel fashionable again despite your injured state. And when you are recovering, your state of mind is just as important as your physical comfort.

Helpful People
When you are injured, nothing will make you feel more lucky than a helpful hand at just the right time. You will be amazed by the amount of people who go out of their way to help you. Your family members will likely pitch in more around the house. Your friends might offer to run errands or cook meals for you. Your neighbors might mow the lawn or do other chores for you. And even random strangers might offer to carry things for you or help you in and out of your car. Every time someone lends a hand to you while you recover, that lucky feeling will really kick in.

Though you may not feel lucky about how you injured yourself, there are plenty of helpful items and reasons to feel lucky during the recovery process.

Orthopedic Products to Make Your Recovery Easier

Guest Blog Post by Goodbye Crutches:

So, you’re stuck on one foot for the time being. And you’re not too happy about it, either! With today’s modern technology on your side, there are many products that can help make your recovery easier. You don’t have to suffer through it, with no comforts whatsoever. Here are a few items that can help your pain, mobility, comfort, and life in general, as you recover.

Item #1:  Alternatives to Crutches 

If hobbling around on crutches is simply too hard, take heart! You don’t have to! You can look into one of three alternatives to crutches from Goodbye Crutches, that can help you get where you want to go.Goodbye Crutches Some allow you the use of your hands, too. The Hands Free Crutch, for example, straps right to your bad leg and lets you walk much like normal, with both of your hands free at all times. The Knee Walker, on the other hand, is a wheeled device that lets you retain your balance while you scoot yourself from place to place. And the Seated Scooter is a great option for those who want to get in as much rest as possible, while moving around at the same time.

Item #2:  CastShield Waterproof Protector
Taking a shower with a cast is quite an ordeal. You know you aren’t supposed to get it wet, but how can you do that and still get clean? The CastShield allows you to cover your cast, so you don’t get moisture beneath it. It is reusable and comes in a set of two, so you can keep one in the shower and one in your travel bag.

Item #3:  Shower Bench
Once your cast is covered, you can safely shower without getting your cast wet, but that still doesn’t help you balance while you lather, rinse and repeat. The Adjustable Shower Bench, however, allows you to sit and shower, so you don’t have to worry about slipping or just getting off balance. You can finally enjoy your showers again without additional hazards.

Item #4: CastCooler
If your cast starts to itch and smell, in the past the only thing you could do was wait it out and suffer. Some people would even take a wire hanger and stick it down the cast, but that certainly isn’t a good idea. Today, there’s the CastCooler! This device attaches to your cast and your vacuum and it sucks the moisture out from beneath the cast. It leaves you with a cool, fresh, clean feeling.

Item #5: Cozy Toe Warmer
If you have a cast and your toes stick out on the end, they are exposed and cold during much of your recovery. You could try to stretch a sock over your toes, but those socks are hard to get on and off and they don’t really do a good job as it is. The Cozy Toe Warmer fits over your toes like a slipper and straps around the back of your cast with adjustable Velcro. It keeps your toes dry and warm and can even be washed if you get it dirty.

Item #6:  CastCoverz!


If you’re wearing a cast, boot, splint, brace, or sling, CastCoverz! provides fun and functional products that cover orthopedic devices, offering much needed comfort from scratching, snagging, and so much more. While on crutches, CrutchWear is a must to make those standard-issue crutches more bearable. No matter what the orthopedic event, CastCoverz! has got you covered!