Guest Blog Post by Goodbye Crutches:
So, you’re stuck on one foot for the time being. And you’re not too happy about it, either! With today’s modern technology on your side, there are many products that can help make your recovery easier. You don’t have to suffer through it, with no comforts whatsoever. Here are a few items that can help your pain, mobility, comfort, and life in general, as you recover.
Item #1: Alternatives to Crutches
If hobbling around on crutches is simply too hard, take heart! You don’t have to! You can look into one of three alternatives to crutches from Goodbye Crutches, that can help you get where you want to go. Some allow you the use of your hands, too. The Hands Free Crutch, for example, straps right to your bad leg and lets you walk much like normal, with both of your hands free at all times. The Knee Walker, on the other hand, is a wheeled device that lets you retain your balance while you scoot yourself from place to place. And the Seated Scooter is a great option for those who want to get in as much rest as possible, while moving around at the same time.
Item #2: CastShield Waterproof Protector
Taking a shower with a cast is quite an ordeal. You know you aren’t supposed to get it wet, but how can you do that and still get clean? The CastShield allows you to cover your cast, so you don’t get moisture beneath it. It is reusable and comes in a set of two, so you can keep one in the shower and one in your travel bag.
Item #3: Shower Bench
Once your cast is covered, you can safely shower without getting your cast wet, but that still doesn’t help you balance while you lather, rinse and repeat. The Adjustable Shower Bench, however, allows you to sit and shower, so you don’t have to worry about slipping or just getting off balance. You can finally enjoy your showers again without additional hazards.
Item #4: CastCooler
If your cast starts to itch and smell, in the past the only thing you could do was wait it out and suffer. Some people would even take a wire hanger and stick it down the cast, but that certainly isn’t a good idea. Today, there’s the CastCooler! This device attaches to your cast and your vacuum and it sucks the moisture out from beneath the cast. It leaves you with a cool, fresh, clean feeling.
Item #5: Cozy Toe Warmer
If you have a cast and your toes stick out on the end, they are exposed and cold during much of your recovery. You could try to stretch a sock over your toes, but those socks are hard to get on and off and they don’t really do a good job as it is. The Cozy Toe Warmer fits over your toes like a slipper and straps around the back of your cast with adjustable Velcro. It keeps your toes dry and warm and can even be washed if you get it dirty.
Item #6: CastCoverz!
If you’re wearing a cast, boot, splint, brace, or sling, CastCoverz! provides fun and functional products that cover orthopedic devices, offering much needed comfort from scratching, snagging, and so much more. While on crutches, CrutchWear is a must to make those standard-issue crutches more bearable. No matter what the orthopedic event, CastCoverz! has got you covered!