At CastCoverz!® we love to feature themed cast covers and with St. Patrick’s Day approaching it’s time to find your festive orthopedic accessories! You’re in luck because we have plenty of clover green-themed CastCoverz! products to make your injury festive.
Our Slingz! are stylish AND functional! A soft adjustable neck tube makes wearing a sling comfortable and a thumb loop prevents sling creep. Available in a variety of St. Patrick’s fabrics:
Forest Green with Gold Scrolls
Slingz! Sea Breeze Tie Dye (customize it with GREEN trim!)
Feeling like you need more luck in sleeping with your arm or leg cast? Your “Lucky Break” is here! Our Sleeperz! allow you to get a good night’s sleep by helping to eliminate scratches (“cast burn”) of you or your bed companion (2 or 4-legged!) or snagging of your sheets (common side effects from casts).
Sleeperz! for Arms – Forest Green
Sleeperz! for Legs – Forest Green
We don’t want you feeling anymore pain…including being pinched for not wearing green on March 17th! We’ve got solid green cast covers in various shades (click on the link to be taken directly to the product) to keep you pain and pinch-free.
Armz! Green Cast Covers:
Legz! Green Cast Covers:
Order today for the best selection! Some of our fabrics/colors sell out and no one wants to be out of luck when it comes to St. Patrick’s Day!