Guest Post by Goodbye Crutches
It’s that time of year! Time to get the turkey out, thaw it, stuff it, and put it in the
oven. If you already smell the pies baking in the air, you know it’s almost time for the
big meal. But wait…mom is on crutches! Who’s going to do all of the work? Not her…At least not in the same way as every other year! Here are a few ways you can help
mom get Thanksgiving meal on the table this year.
1. Get Instructions
If mom is used to doing it all, she’s still going to want to be in the kitchen. Find
her a comfy chair and prop her leg up. Then, let her tell you what you need
to do in order to get the meal ready for everyone. You might learn a few
things and spending time together will be fun as well.
2. Do it Alone
If you know your way around the kitchen, offer to take over and make the meal
yourself. You might have to order a few pies from the store or adjust in other
ways, but as long as mom’s recovery stays on track, the rest doesn’t matter.
3. Ask For Help
Everyone comes to your house for Thanksgiving and they always offer to
bring things. This year, let them! You might get just about everything covered,
without having to do anything at all. Who knows, mom might even enjoy the
change and make it a tradition!
4. Make Changes
Everyone has an idea in mind when it comes to a meal this big, but that
doesn’t mean it always has to be the same. If you don’t feel comfortable
making a turkey, grill some chickens. It might be different, but as long as your
family is together, it’s still Thanksgiving.
5. Go to a Restaurant
There are plenty of restaurants that offer Thanksgiving meals. There’s
nothing wrong with going out this year. You can get a full meal at a decent
price, and the best part is, once you get home, you have nothing to clean up!
6. Get Mobility Options
Sit mom down in front of the computer and bring up Goodbye Crutches. Have
her look at the iWALKFree Hands Free Crutches, the Seated Scooter, and the
Knee Scooter, and see which she thinks will fit her lifestyle and needs best.
She will find that not only can she do more for the Thanksgiving meal, but
she can get around better during everyday life, as well!
7. Give Thanks
The best way you can help your non-weight bearing mom any day of the
week is to give her your thanks. Tell her how grateful you are for everything she has done for you over the years. With that sentiment, there’s nothing you can’t accomplish, together, during her recovery.