Tag Archives: non weight bearing

Ways to Help a Mom on Crutches Create Thanksgiving Dinner

Ways to Help a Mom on Crutches Create Thanksgiving Dinner

Guest Post by Goodbye Crutches

It’s that time of year!  Time to get the turkey out, thaw it, stuff it, and put it in the
oven.  If you already smell the pies baking in the air, you know it’s almost time for the
big meal.  But wait…mom is on crutches!  Who’s going to do all of the work?  Not her…At least not in the same way as every other year!  Here are a few ways you can help
mom get Thanksgiving meal on the table this year.

1.  Get Instructions
If mom is used to doing it all, she’s still going to want to be in the kitchen.  Find
her a comfy chair and prop her leg up. Then, let her tell you what you need
to do in order to get the meal ready for everyone.  You might learn a few
things and spending time together will be fun as well.

2.  Do it Alone
If you know your way around the kitchen, offer to take over and make the meal
yourself.  You might have to order a few pies from the store or adjust in other
ways, but as long as mom’s recovery stays on track, the rest doesn’t matter.

3.  Ask For Help
Everyone comes to your house for Thanksgiving and they always offer to
bring things.  This year, let them!  You might get just about everything covered,
without having to do anything at all.  Who knows, mom might even enjoy the
change and make it a tradition!

4.  Make Changes
Everyone has an idea in mind when it comes to a meal this big, but that
doesn’t mean it always has to be the same.  If you don’t feel comfortable
making a turkey, grill some chickens.  It might be different, but as long as your
family is together, it’s still Thanksgiving.

5.  Go to a Restaurant
There are plenty of restaurants that offer Thanksgiving meals.  There’s
nothing wrong with going out this year.  You can get a full meal at a decent
price, and the best part is, once you get home, you have nothing to clean up!

6. Get Mobility Options
Sit mom down in front of the computer and bring up Goodbye Crutches.  Have
her look at the iWALKFree Hands Free Crutches, the Seated Scooter, and the
Knee Scooter, and see which she thinks will fit her lifestyle and needs best.
She will find that not only can she do more for the Thanksgiving meal, but
she can get around better during everyday life, as well!

7. Give Thanks
The best way you can help your non-weight bearing mom any day of the
week is to give her your thanks.  Tell her how grateful you are for everything she has done for you over the years.  With that sentiment, there’s nothing you can’t accomplish, together, during her recovery.

5 Extra Items to Pack for Vacation When Non-Weight Bearing

Guest Post by Goodbye Crutches

When you are packing for your family vacation, you have a lot on your mind.  You have to think of anything and everything you and everyone else going will need for your time away.  Add to that your current non-weight bearing state and you have even more to think about.  This list will help you think of the additional items you need to pack to keep your recovery on track.

Goodbye Crutches Knee Scooter1. Mobility Device

It seems silly to remind you to pack your crutches or the mobility device you have chosen from Goodbye Crutches, but you have to make sure you have room for this important item.  The Knee Scooter and the Seated Scooter fold up to fit in your car nicely, and the Hands Free Crutch doesn’t take up much space.  But, if you’re still on crutches, you definitely need to plan ahead to make sure you have space.

2. Prescriptions

When you are recovering from an injury or recent surgery, you are probably on anti-inflammatory, pain medication, or any number of other prescriptions.  Not only will you want to pack these medications, but also make sure you have enough to last for the duration of your trip.  Do a little counting in advance and if you need to get a refill, allow yourself enough time to pick it up and prepare it before you go.

3. Recovery Aids

If you shower using a Shower Bench, or cannot bear the heat without the regular use of the CastCooler, be sure to bring these items with you.  The point of a vacation is to relax and get away from it all, and you will want to be as comfortable as possible during your time away.  Whatever items make your life easier, and your recovery possible, should go along with you.

aboutusseptember2013final-wo-2004. CastCoverz!

You pack your clothes without a second thought, but this year you also need to think about throwing your CastCoverz! cast, walking boot, or crutch covers into the suitcase.  Think about which covers will go with the outfits you are taking and pack them along with the rest of your clothes.  They will help your cast blend in or stand out, whichever you prefer, along with keeping it clean and snag-free.

5. Entertainment

No matter what type of vacation you are taking, there is bound to be a time when your family wants to do something you either can’t do or don’t have the energy for.  When you are stuck on the beach while everyone is playing in the ocean or sitting on the bench while the others ride roller coasters, have a few entertainment items ready to go.  Grab an extra paperback or two or start cutting down on your magazine pile.  You can rest, relax, enjoy your vacation, and wait for your family all at the same time.

Preparing for a vacation when you are in a non-weight bearing state can be difficult, but if you use the Knee Scooter or another mobility device from Goodbye Crutches and think ahead, your vacation will be fun and enjoyable, just as it should be.


Introducing Goodbye Crutches

Guest Blog by Goodbye Crutches

Need relief from the pain and limitations of crutches?  If you can’t bear weight and can’t bear crutches, you’ve found the right place.  Introducing Goodbye Crutches…

When you see someone who has a cast on his or her leg, you usually see them hobbling around on crutches. Whether you are facing surgery or you’ve experienced an unexpected injury and your doctor tells you that you have to stay off one leg for a few weeks or longer, you might assume that you will be one of those people trying to get from place to place on crutches.  Crutches are helpful devices that can be of service to a non-weight bearing individual. However, they can also be very cumbersome and limiting.

Goodbye Crutches is a company that allows you a choice in terms of your mobility for the duration of your recovery.  You may choose to get around on crutches or you may opt for one of three devices Goodbye Crutches has to offer, which will allow you to resume most of your normal activities.

  1.  The Hands Free Crutch straps to your bad leg and makes you look like youhave a peg leg.  You bend your bad foot behind you and put your weight on your knee, as you walk.  With the Hands Free Crutch, you have the use of both of your hands at all times.  You can walk much like normal, go up and down stairs with ease, and do many of the things you used to enjoy

    CastCoverz! customer, Jessica, with her Legz! cast cover and using the Knee Scooter

    without a second thought.

  2.  The Knee Scooter is a device on wheels that allows you to scoot yourself from place to place.  You put the knee of your bad leg on the padded area and use your good leg to propel the device wherever you need to go.  You don’t have to worry about balance and you can even strap a basket to the front of the scooter to help you carry everything you need.
  3. The Seated Scooter works in the same manner as the Knee Scooter, only you sit and scoot yourself around.  This device is great for those who cannot put too much pressure on their knees and it can really help you save your energy, as you recover.

Take a look at each device and think about which one would fit into your lifestyle and the type of recovery you have to undergo.  While you examine your options, here’s what you need to know about working with Goodbye Crutches:

  • Free delivery within 1-2 days
  • All rental fees will be applied toward purchase price (if you decide to buy)
  • Most importantly, your satisfaction is guaranteed

Goodbye Crutches has other products to help you through your recovery period, too, such as toe warmers, shower benches, and other such items.  If you are facing a non-weight bearing time, visit Goodbye Crutches to make your recovery as easy and comfortable as possible!

Ugly, Uncomfortable, Standard Crutches No More

Having a broken bone in your leg is no fun, but having a non-weight-bearing injury is even worse! “Getting from point A to point B is no longer as easy as getting up and walking where you want to go. You can crawl, hop, or use crutches to help!”, says Skye of Real Mom Reviews.  Skye discovered CastCoverz! while searching online for non-squeaking crutches.  She was sent a pair of Candy Apple Red crutches (her favorite color) and wrote her review, which you can read in it’s entirety HERE.

Skye was impressed with the vibrant color, speedy shipping, and affordability.  Also included were CrutchWear crutch covers and bag (review to come soon), which added comfort, fashion and function to her crutches.  CastCoverz! offers functional and fashionable products designed to cover casts, orthotic walking boots, splints, braces, and crutches to comfort orthopedic patients.