Tag Archives: knee scooter

Put a Spring In Your Step Despite Your Orthopedic Injury

Guest Post by GoodBye Crutches

Spring is on the verge of bursting through the seams of Winter and you can’t enjoy it because you can only bear weight on one foot! Don’t worry, even though the recovery process will still be hard, there are things you can do to put a spring in your step and enjoy the nicer weather, beautiful flowers, and all of the other perks that come along with the new season. Here are just a few things you can do:

-Cover your Cast!

Legz_ClassicCheetah_WO_560__04869.1378873283.165.165The cast on your foot probably already looks old and gloomy, even if you just got it put on last week. In order to brighten up your attitude and your appearance, browse through the variety of CastCoverz! fun and functional orthopedic accessories available and see what fits your style and your wardrobe. You can get something that would go with everything or a few stand-out selections. Welcome this new season with an update to your cast’s appearance.

-Make Your Mobility Easier

If you have been suffering on crutches all Winter long, there’s only one way to go thisGoodbye Crutches Knee Scooter Spring. Choose an alternative to crutches and you will soon find that you can go where you want and do what you want to do. Goodbye Crutches has three options, all of which are easier than crutches. The Hands Free Crutch is a great option for those who want to walk much like normal and retain the use of both hands. The Knee Scooter can help you scoot from place to place even faster than before. And the Seated Scooter allows you to sit and scoot, so you can save your energy for the things you really want to do.

-Get Fresh Air

You’ve likely been cooped up inside all Winter long, nursing your injury, and now that the weather is nicer, it’s time to get out and breathe in the fresh air that Spring brings. It’ll make every part of your day better. Plus, if you have a mobility device from Goodbye Crutches, getting outside is easier and sometimes even downright fun!

-Make Plans

With any luck, your doctor has given you a range of dates for your recovery. You won’t know exactly when you’ll be able to walk on both legs again, but you have an idea. Spend the Spring making plans. Whether you want to plant a garden, go on vacation, or simply take the kids to the zoo over the summer, making plans will help you look toward the future and forget about the pain of the recovery process.

-Eat Right

The best way to give yourself energy during the recovery process, and aid the process along as fast as possible, is to fuel your body with the proper nutrition. You may not always feel like eating healthy meals, but once your body gets used to it, you will notice a definite spring in your step and you will enjoy the extra energy you have to use in the warmer weather.

Sure, you’re still stuck on one leg, but don’t let that ruin this beautiful Spring season. Use these tips to help put a spring in your step…even if you can only step with one leg!