Start the New Year Off on the Right (or Left) Foot

Guest Post by Goodbye Crutches

happy new year

The New Year rang…and you have to deal with being on only one foot, for the time being. If you want to do things as right as possible during your recovery, here are a few tips:

Tip#1:  Think About Health

When you are recovering from a foot or ankle injury or a surgery, you need to allow your body to heal. The best thing you can do for your overall health is to eat in a healthy manner. Your body needs nutrients in order to heal. Fill up on fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, and drink plenty of water. You will feel better and heal faster.

Tip#2:  Exercise

It’s hard to think about exercising when you only have one foot, but there are plenty of things you can do to keep yourself in shape during your recovery. First, try to do all of your physical therapy workouts on a daily basis. Don’t push yourself too hard, but make sure you do as much as you can. You can also do stretches, even from the seated position, to keep your back and other areas from getting tight. Second, keep weights by the side of the couch. You can strengthen your arms, since you can’t do much with your legs.

Tip#3:  Safety

You need to put your safety at the top of your priority list. Search your house and make sure that no cords or rugs will trip you up, as you go. Invest in items like grab bars and a shower bench for when you need to get clean. The last thing you need is another fall and injury, so make sure you are being as safe as possible, at all times.

Tip#4:  Mobility

Just because you only have one leg to stand on doesn’t mean you can’t get around safely,
quickly, and easily. But, in order to do so, you need a mobility device that can not only help you be mobile, but can even help your recovery time shorten. Goodbye Crutches has three such mobility devices. The iWALKFree Hands Free Crutch straps to your leg and allows you to walk much like normal. You can even go up and down stairs! The Knee Scooter is a wheeled device that you kneel onto with your bad leg. You can scoot yourself from place to place and get on and off the scooter quickly. And, the Seated Scooter works in a similar manner, only you sit and scoot. You will have a seat along with you anywhere you go to rest as much as needed.

Tip#5:  Style

New FB Cover Photo from Exhibit
Just because you only have one leg working doesn’t mean you should sacrifice your style during the New Year. CastCoverz! provides fun and functional products for comfort and care while recovering from an orthopedic injury. They make covers for casts, braces, & crutches, offer designer color crutches, and so much more! You can accessorize your outfits or make your cast or walking boot blend in.

This year will begin differently than others, but if you take these tips into consideration, you can zoom through your recovery with as much ease as possible!

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