Part 2: How to Bling Your Cast!
Did you know pink neon casts are fading away? So are the green neon, black, and blue casts, due to rising medical expenses. Many doctors are choosing not to carry colored casting tape anymore, so you really have to be creative to bling that cast!
Decorating your cast can be lots of fun with so many creative options out there. The timeless standard is having your friends autograph your cast. But, make sure your artistic friends get the big, bold markers! 🙂
This mom decorated her cast with black tape, a press-on applique, and a rhinestone bracelet! Even the cast around her toes is decked out with rhinestones! Courtesy of Mommy Blogger, Mom2zqb. For more of her clever designs, please visit:
You can deck out your cast with decals and tattoos too! Have you seen Duck® Brand tape lately? You can sport soccer balls, flames, flowers, or camo with their designs! Pick up a roll at your local office supply store.
Those are all great suggestions, but some are permanent and your clothes still get snagged, furniture gets scratched (common complaints of rhinestone applications) and they still get sooo dirty! And some of us just didn’t get the creative gene.

Handz! in our popular Lots of Dots
Enter CastCoverz! cast covers, for your arm, leg, foot, or hand, our cast covers are functional and just good ole fun! They are washable and are an easy on/off design. From radical to whimsical designs, discreet to elegant, CastCoverz! has you covered. Fun, fashion, and function in the orthopedic world. It’s a challenge, but we’re up to it. Because we know if you feel better, you heal better! For creative ideas on how to bling up your orthotic walking boot, check out Part 1: How to Bling Your Boot! and for crutches, stay tuned for Part 3: How to Bling Your Crutches!
Looking foward to how to bling out your crutches! Hurry – I am so tired of the “hospital-look” they have.
Stay tuned…How to Bling Your Crutches is coming very soon!!!