Annette Giacomazzi, owner and founder of CCZ!
Annette Giacomazzi, owner and founder of CastCoverz!, the world leader in cast covers and essential orthopedic soft-goods, gives tips on how school-aged children can avoid injuries on the playground.
Playground injuries are the leading cause of Emergency Room visits for school-aged children, ages 5-14. More than one-third of these injuries are considered severe, including fractures and concussions. Giacomazzi knows this all too well and encourages parents, caretakers, and educators to refresh themselves with back-to-school injury prevention tips on how to prevent avoidable injuries on the school playground in CastCoverz!’s latest press release:
CastCoverz! Founder Provides Back to School Playground Injury Prevention Tips
The good news is…most playground injuries are avoidable! Follow these tips to ensure safety on the school playground:
- Close supervision by a responsible adult may be the most important factor in preventing injury
- Ensure playgrounds have an age-appropriate, separate area, for children 5 and under
- Look for hazards, such as broken equipment and dangerous surfaces
- Avoid playing on non-impact absorbing surfaces, such as concrete or gravel
- Remove hood and neck drawstrings from outerwear, to avoid strangulation hazards
- Remove bike helmets before using playground equipment
- Teach children proper playground behavior, such has no pushing, shoving, or crowding
“Being safe is the farthest thing from their mind. It is the parents’, educators’, and playground supervisors’ job to alert our children about the potential dangers of school playgrounds.” ~Annette Giacomazzi
For more tips on the prevention of broken bones and other feel better, heal better topics, spend a little time on our blog. Feel Better, Heal Better with CastCoverz!