Back-to-School Checklist: 5 Tips to Get the School Year Off to a Smooth Start

Back-to-School Checklist: 5 Tips to Get the School Year Off to a Smooth Start

It’s Back-to-School time again! There is sure to be mixed emotions as our children feel excited to see their friends again, sad that summer is over, and have some first-day jitters. As parents, we have the same range of emotions because we are relieved to be getting back into the school routine, yet disappointed that family vacation time has come to an end. In addition to the emotions, it’s an extremely busy time! Courtesy of, here is a back-to-school checklist featuring our top five tips to get the school year off to a smooth start.

  • School Supplies – It’s one of the most dreaded parts of back-to-school: the school supply list! Shop smart for school supplies with these Top 10 Ways to Save.
  • School Year Resolutions – Adults make New Year’s resolutions, so why not our kids for the new school year? Try it out by hanging these 12 School Year Resolutions on your refrigerator to keep you and your children focused and stress-free from September to June.
  • School Calendar – Once resolutions are made, it’s time to start getting organized for the school year – we all know organizing the family is a challenge, but important to do! Knowing what practices, games, recitals, and other events are taking place are key to juggling everyone’s schedules. Print this 2015-2016 School-Year Calendar to note your child’s important school events.
  • Routine Checklist(s) – Another part of organizing is beginning school-day routines. Once you have something that works, make them stick by using these printable checklists to get your child into a smooth morning, after-school, and bedtime routine: Morning Routine Checklist & Bedtime Routine Checklist.
  • Lunch Prep – We all like variety in our meals and our children are no different. Get some ideas on how to spruce up your child’s lunch with 10 Easy Ideas for Better Bag Lunches.

BONUS TIPS – These are very important tips every parent needs:

  • Review Playground Safety – Most of you know that my daughter has broken many bones all due to accidents (ouch!). In fact, it was her 6th broken bone, from a school playground accident, that was the inspiration for CastCoverz! You can learn more about that story here.  Did you know most accidents, nearly 70%, occur on public playgrounds, including school playgrounds?  More than one-third of all playground injuries are severe, with children experiencing broken bones, internal injuries, concussions, and dislocations. I can’t emphasize how important it is to discuss playground safety with your entire family. So, take the time to talk to your kids about how to be safe.

The start of any new school year can be hectic. I really hope these back-to-school tips help you and your family prepare for the upcoming year. More importantly, I hope it’s a safe and fun one!

Feel Better, Heal Better with CastCoverz!


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