Different Types of Bone Fractures


Broken bones (also known as fractured bones) are common for both children and adults.  A broken bone occurs when a force exerted against the bone is stronger than it can structurally withstand.  Most fractures are usually due to a fall, athletic activity, or car accident.  The wrist, ankle, and hip are the most common sites for bone fractures and treatments include setting the broken bone in a cast or surgically pinning the bones back together.

There are many different types of bone fractures, but they are generally placed into one of four different categories:  Displaced, non-displaced, open, and closed.

Here are several different types of common bone fractures…

  • Torus fracture (or buckle fracture) – commonly seen in children due to softer bones, a torus fracture occurs when one side of the bone may buckle upon itself without disrupting the other side, also known as an incomplete fracture
  • Greenstick fracture – a small, slender crack in the bone, which is more common in children because of their flexible bones
  • Open or compound fracture – the broken bone breaks through the skin
  • Closed or simple fracture – the broken bone has not pierced through the skin
  • Displaced fracture – the bone snaps in two or more parts and are no longer aligned
  • Non-displaced fracture – the bone cracks partly or completely but maintains proper alignment
  • Hairline fracture (or stress fracture) – often occurs from repetitive stress to the same bone
  • Single fracture – a single break in one bone
  • Segmental fracture – a fracture in two parts of the same bone
  • Comminuted fracture – the bone is shattered into multiple small pieces

Although no one ever plans on suffering a broken bone, CastCoverz! is here to help you Feel Better, so you Heal Better!  CastCoverz! provides fun and functional products that comfort orthopedic patients; from cast, brace, and walking boot covers to colored crutches, crutch covers, and waterproof cast protectors, we’ve got you covered!

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